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Happy Dependence Day

Well Rush stole my title.   I’ve been planning this rant for a few weeks and intended the title to be “Happy Dependence Day”.  I’ve stuck with it, simply because it’s so appropriate, even though Rush used it so well this week.

As I’ve said before, “Yes John Edwards, there are two Americas”.  There is the America that I love, whose independence we celebrate on today.  It is the one born of a thirst for freedom, of self-determination, of prosperity.  It is where anyone, ANYONE, can build their dreams, their fortune, and lay a foundation for their family’s future.  They can make choices, good or bad, about their direction, the key being that is the individual’s choice.  The person, the individual, decides which of God’s paths they will choose.  They are not encumbered with restriction, obstacles or regulations to their direction.  In my America, people choose from the choices God gives them and with his grace makes what they can of their life.

My America is a land whose government is limited.  It stays within its constitutional prescribed role of protecting liberty and providing for the common defense.  It stays out of the way of the individual, the entrepreneur, the family, the small business, etc.  It succeeds because its populace succeeds.  It is strong because its populace is strong. It is representative of its people, not directive of it.  It is limited in its reach and wide in its respect.

The other America is one where regulation reigns supreme.  It is where the individual is subject to the state and the success that matters is the collective.  It is where individual success is considered greed.  Where individual choice must be governed so it does not infringe on the sensitivity of others.  It is a land where the needs of the group far out way the needs of liberty.

In this America, government is the almighty.  It is the Supreme Being that must be feed with money and power, with corrupted politicians and suppressive law.  It is the nanny that changes your diapers.  The caretaker that chooses your food. The master that decides your fate.  It is truly the land of kept, home of the dependent.

Patrick Henry did not exclaim “Give me Liberty, or give me a welfare check”.  Unfortunately, this is the sentiment that governs our country today.  Politicians are elected by promising Government interference.  They win power by pitting special interests against American Exceptionalism.  They run huge deficits in the name of creating dependency from the populace.

The current crop of Americans who live in this America do not understand Liberty.  They do not understand the drive that would lead man to give everything for the hope of freedom. They will fight to suppress or even kill individuals rather than protect that individual’s right to believe or live.  It is amazing that a group of individuals, 233 years ago, banded together to sacrifice everything for each others freedom.  Now, citizens of the “Other America” band to gather to sacrifice nothing to stamp out freedoms.

It is time for a new birth of revolution in this country.  We must stand up for the ideas of freedom, prosperity, limited government, independence, and American Exceptionalism.  We are in danger of losing our America.  It is being slowly stripped away and replaced by that other America.  We must demand accountability from our representatives, understanding of what America is from her populace, and willingness from each other to fight for America.

To my fellow Americans I say “Happy Independence Day”.  To the citizens of the other America I say “Happy Dependence Day” and I pray this is the last time I must utter these words.

God Bless America and thank you for her!

Filed under: America, American Politics, My Beliefs

Always remember…..

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.-Thomas Jefferson

About Me

Christian. Conservative. Patriot. Husband. Son. Brother. Friend. Neighbor. Employee x 2. One of Apollo and Gryffin's Staff.

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